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Hello! Shalom and Greetings from PaTual T.Tualzathang.

*_Hello! Shalom and Greetings from PaTual T.Tualzathang._*

*_Grace to you and Peace from our FATHER in heaven and our LORD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. Our Soon Returning KING._*

*_Today’sTopic of Discussion:- “Corruptions. Bribe Giving and Bribe Taking.”_*

*_Corruption can be defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain according to the flesh or according to the world systems. But biblically or spiritually speaking, corruption can be defined as a state of spiritual decay, pollution or un-righteousnes or incorrectness,or moral contamination expressed through the disobedience towards GOD. (Romans 5:12). Corruption can also be defined as spiritual separation from GOD. It can also be defined as a spiritual death. GOD told Adam in Genesis chapter 2 verse 17, that if he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he would “surely die.” Adam didn’t die a physical death that day but a spiritual one that involved separation from GOD. (Ephesians 2:1-3)._*

*_Corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and further exacerbates in-equality, poverty, social division and the environmental crisis and most importantly “eternal death.”_*

*_The root cause of corruption is the love of money. “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils…..”.(1Timothy 6:10). Corruption can take many forms, and can include behaviours like:-_*

*_(1) Public servants (govt. employees/officials, judges, employees of universities and colleges, MPs, MLAs etc etc, demanding or taking money or favours in exchange for services._*

*_(2) Politicians misusing public money or granting public jobs or contracts to their sponsors, friends and families and near and dear ones including underground organisations in the context of Manipur state especially Churachandpur and Pherzawl district._*

*_(3) Corporations bribing officials to get lucrative deals and contract etc._*

*_(4) Corruption can happen anywhere:-in business, in the government, in the courts, in the media, in the family, in the churches, and in civil society, as well as across all sectors from health and education to infrastructure and sports and entertainment etc etc._*

*_(5) Corruption can involve anyone: politicians, sports persons, farmers, entertainers in the film industry, government officials, public servants, business people or members of the public including church workers like Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Deacons/ Elders etc._*

*_(6) Corruption happens in the shadows, often with the help of professional enablers such as bankers, insurers, lawyers, accountants and real estate agents, opaque financial systems and anonymous shell companies that allow corruption schemes to flourish and the corrupt to launder and hide their illicit wealth and assets._*

*_(7) Corruption adapts to different contexts and changing circumstances. It can evolve in response to changes in rules, legislation and even technology._*

*_The costs of corruption:-_*

*_(A) Political costs:-Our freedom and rule of law._*

*_(B) Social costs:-Our participation and even our trust in the government._*

*_(C) Environmental costs:-Our chance for a healthy environment and a sustainable future._*

*_(D) Economic costs:-Our opportunity to build and grow wealth._*

*_(E) Spiritual cost:- “Eternal death.” This is the most dangerous of them all._*

*_To Fight Corruption, We Must Embrace Transparency, Honesty, Righteousness, Truthfulness, and most importantly knowing GOD always in our inner most heart. The best and most effective tool to fight corruption is to be truly born again in JESUS CHRIST and have deep relationship with GOD daily till we turn to dust._*

*_Transparency is all about knowing; who, why, what, how and how much. It means shedding light on formal and informal rules, plans, processes and actions. After all, transparency is knowing GOD in our inner most heart. Transparency coupled with righteousness and truthfulness helps us, the public, hold all power to account for the common good through the power of the Holy Spirit of ALMIGHTY GOD._*

*_Seeking and receiving information is a human right that can act as a safeguard against corruption, and increase trust in decision makers and public institutions. However, transparency is not only about making information available, but it is deeply knowing GOD and ensuring it can be easily accessed through HIS grace, understood and used by citizens whether believers or not._*

*_But transparency that is knowing GOD is only the first step to curbing corruption and eradicate it completely from our churches, society and community, and families and including in the government._*

*_Brothers and Sisters in JESUS CHRIST, corruption can be completely eradicated from our ownself, from our homes, from our society and community, from our churches and from the government by truly knowing GOD ALMIGHTY and by following HIS teachings and commandments in the Holy Scriptures daily till we turn to dust. With GOD nothing is impossible or with GOD all things are possible. (Matthew 19: 26). In JESUS Name. Amen._*

*_Shalom and GOD bless you. PaTual T. Tualzathang.Originally sent on Dated:-The 12th March- 2021 (Friday), and resend again for spiritual awakening to eradicate corruption that is rampant in our society and community and our land._*

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